Our Precious Resource
Analysis of Assured Water Supply
Heritage has obtained an Analysis of Assured Water Supply (AAWS) for nearly 34,000 acre-feet per year, which will accommodate over 24,500 single-family residential lots, over 7,700 multifamily units and nearly 8,000 acres of non-residential uses.
The Assured Water Supply program was created as part of Arizona’s historic 1980 Groundwater Management Act, and operates within Arizona’s five Active Management Areas. Applicants are required to demonstrate an assured water supply that will be physically, legally, and continu
ously available for the next 100 years before the developer can record plats or sell parcels. The ADRE will not issue a public report, which allows the developer to sell lots, without a demonstration of an assured water supply.
With a mix of the currently available providers and the 97 onsite wells which will be used to draw water from the aquifer, water will be distributed to storage facilities and on to the homes, schools and employment centers within Heritage. Heritage will also enroll in the Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District (CAGRD). The CAGRD is responsible for replenishing groundwater used by its members.